• bold
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  • simple
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Spatial Web Pilot research

Unveiling the Next Stage of the Online shopping experience.

The web is rapidly evolving from flat 2D screens to immersive 3D digital spaces, driven by technological advancements and utilizing spatial computing for intuitive daily web interaction. Users are gaining access to the Spatial Web for activities such as web shopping, gaming, and virtual meetings. This evolution creates new opportunities and threats in user interaction, fundamentally altering how we access information and engage with online spaces. As the boundaries between physical and digital realities blur, the web adapts, offering users more enriching and engaging experiences. Additionally, the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated the adoption of immersive technologies. Over the past three years, digitalization has introduced technologies that blend the physical and digital worlds, marking a new era of rapid development leading to Web 3.0. Emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, 5G, and XR are integral to this era. While the full realization of the Web 3.0 is pending, blockchain will play crucial roles in a safer Spatial Web, as many envision.

Spatial Computing is the new Metaverse?

Many of us may be asking, why is this new term Spatial Computing used instead of Metaverse to define this new human-computer interaction? As we know, VR and the Metaverse have been highly popular in the gaming industry for the last 10 years because they provide a level of immersion that traditional gaming platforms cannot match. Players feel like they are physically present in the virtual environment, enhancing the overall gaming experience. Certainly, Spatial Computing is part of VR technology that has taken the world by storm in the last year, but not just for gamers. It is more likely for content creators, educators, web developers, and those users who want to use 3D immersive technology beyond gaming. So the concept is similar, involving the use of computer-generated, realistic 3D environments to create immersive experiences for users. Spatial Computing is more likely to focus on creating applications in a variety of fields, including navigation, design, education, collaborative work environments, shopping, and more.

Why is this pilot research important?

Spatial web-based shopping can be simply defined as a digital twin or clone of a physical fashion store using a simple web browser and VR headset. Therefore, the challenge is to make the virtual shopping experience similar to a real one. We acknowledge that physical interaction is not possible via a virtual environment, so we have to balance this limitation and provide as much visual insight into a product as possible. The trend indicates that the 3D dimensional web (Spatial Web) will become standard in the next few years. Thus, there are several aspects we have to consider to make the shopping experience more intuitive,immersive and secure. By combining EEG and VR technologies, researchers can gain deeper insights into users' cognitive and emotional states during a virtual shopping experience, enabling the creation of more tailored and engaging VR retail environments.

Pilot Research in numbers

mins recorded EEG data
3D immersive task

How and why are we planning to record EEG data during the research?

Using an EEG headband with a VR headset during shopping can offer valuable insights into users' cognitive and emotional responses. Understanding users engagement while shopping in a virtual environment using EEG and VR technologies is essential. We are planning to place a (MUSE) EEG headband under a (PICO 4) VR headset. The EEG headband will continuously records brain activity, capturing metrics such as attention, emotional arousal, and cognitive workload. Our expectation is that after recording data from 20 participants, we will be able to gain insights into which virtual shopping elements evoke strong emotional responses or high cognitive engagement. This will help us identify potential areas for improvement in the virtual shopping experience based on user reactions.

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