• bold
  • brave
  • iconic
  • simple
  • louder

Cyberpunk Smart T-shirts

for future lovers

Our smart Cyberpunk T-shirt collection is a fusion of various emerging technologies designed to showcase the potential future of fashion.

The Story

The relationship between the cyberpunk lifestyle and the use of NFC chips as a potential daily life use case can be explored in the contexts of technology, privacy, convenience, and the blurring of boundaries between humans and machines. In a cyberpunk-inspired future, individuals might adopt a lifestyle that heavily integrates technology into their daily routines. NFC chips can be utilized to store personal data and access the internet with just one touch.
In the following Pilot Project, we will explore the possible integration of:

  • AI: Showcasing physical clothing and digital counterparts simultaneously using AI mannequins.

  • AR: Demonstrating the application of AR filters to extend the concept of Phygital fashion.

  • NFC: Using NFC to store unique web URLs for accessing AR filters.

  • NFT: Employing NFTs to verify the authenticity and ownership of both physical clothing and digital AR filters.

The Phygital Fashion is already here!

“Phygital Fashion” refers to the integration of physical and digital elements within the fashion industry. By utilizing NFC (Near Field Communication) chips and augmented reality (AR) filters, you can craft an interactive and immersive fashion experience that bridges the gap between the physical and digital worlds.

Spatial Digital Experience

The AR-T-shirt collection is an NFC smart T-shirt with an augmented reality feature that clearly demonstrates how the physical world can overlap with the digital. To start the animation, the user only needs to touch the logo with an NFC-supported phone and turn on the camera app on the logo to make the animation visible. This project is currently under development by NFTAG’s team.

Interactive Try-On

AR filters overlay digital content onto the real world when viewed through a smartphone camera. These filters can be used to create engaging and immersive experiences in the fashion industry. As part of our service we demonstrate how Virtual Try-On can be use any online fashion shop.

  • Use AR to allow customers to virtually try on clothing and accessories. Users can see how different outfits and styles look on them before making a purchase.

  • Virtual Styling: Enable users to experiment with different styles and combinations using AR filters. They can mix and match garments virtually.

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